Monday, March 16, 2009


In between the Reception in Utah and
The Open house in San Diego we got
to go and play in California. The first
day at Disney Land. Craig and Lincoln.
Lincoln with Pooh's Honey pots.

He had to try on some Mickey Ears. What
a cutie!
The family in front of It's a small
world. This was Lincoln's favorite ride!
He loved the music and everything there
was to see.
Us with Goofy.
Ready for a 3d show!
Lincoln with Pluto so cute!
The boys on Screamin California, they rode
it 4 times and after that didn't want to get on
another roller coaster the rest of the day.
Grandma and Lincoln. Grandma got him
to take his nap. Way to go grandma and knew
there was a reason we brought you! We sure
love you and are glad the whole family was there.
Universal Studio's on the Studio Tour ride.
It was very interesting.

Grandma and Grandpa taking Lincoln for a walk.
Craig at the Kwik-E-Mart.
The Jurassic Park Ride. We loved this one
at Universal. We had to take turns, so someone
could stay with Lincoln.

Lincoln and daddy with a dinosaur.
He really liked the dinosaurs.

Us with Homer. We got our picture with all of the
Simpsons characters it was pretty cool.

A Show at Sea World.

We really liked Sea World and it was really sunny and
warm that day so it was nice.

We met up with Megan and Tyler this day.
It was good to see them.

Lincoln touching a star fish.
San Diegos Wild Life park. They were feeding
the Lions it was really neat.

Lincoln and Dady with the Elephants.

There was a baby elephant that had just been born one
day before we got there is was so cute and little, although it
did way 225 lbs when it was born.

The petting Zoo. Lincoln got to touch the
animals. It was a great trip. We had
alot of fun. What a nice family vacation.



was the zoo fun? We are talking about going down at the 1st of may but we are not sure what to do down their and suggestions?

Nicole Fryer

We went to the wild life park. I think next time I would try the zoo. You didn't see quite as many animals at this park as at the zoo I think. But dit was still tons of fun.


Wow what fun you guys had. We would love to go down there too. Maybe next summer when I'm not pregnant (well hopefully not!). I would especially love to go to that kwikimart.