Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kels call and Megans wedding.

The first week of March was very busy for us
we first got to go to the Temple with Megan
which was an amazing experience. Then the
very next day Kelsey got her Mission call,
She is going to Oakland, California Spanish
Speaking. We are so proud of her and very excited.
We love you Kel.
Saturday March 7th Megan and Tyler were Married
in the Mt. Timp Temple. We are also so proud
of them. It was a great day. The above picture
is Lincoln trying to eat Megans Flowers.
Aren't they a cute couple. It was a very nice
day just a little chilly. What a beautiful day.
The wedding was great and isn't she beautiful.
The Luncheon.
Our little family at the Reception. The Reception
was at Wadley Farms it turned out Beautifully.
Mom you did a great job. Don't my boys
look so handsome.
The girls. Aren't we beautiful. Way to
go mom. So cute.
Sisters. I am so gratefulu for sisters
I love them both so much and am
so proud of them for the great choices they
are making in their lives.
My boys! I love them so much.
They both look so great.
Lincoln and Mom. He was such a trooper that
day, he was so good for hauling him all over the place.
Lincoln in his suit. So handsome!
My two good friends from High School, Steve
and Kyle and their boys!
Lincoln tasting some of the good food. He loved
it. It was all great.
At the open house in San Diego. Kelsey
dancing with little Lincoln.
Lincoln on a little bench.
Our family.
They had a dance at the Open house. Al asked
his sister to dance, so cute! What a good brother
he is to his sisters. Thanks Al we love you !
Lincoln with Grandpa. He loves those
grandparents! We had a great
time and are so glad Megan and Tyler
are married now!



Megan looks great and congratulations Kelsey. We are proud of all of you. Lincoln is so cute and getting big. Alex is so cute and love that he looks the same as he did when we went on our road trip so long ago.


Congrats to both your sisters. Maybe we can go visit Kelsey in California. It's not too far from out home.