Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fun Things!

Emmett has started to find his hands and for
some reason he always finds the same hand
and has to suck on it. Such a cute boy.
Nana brought a Woody hat for Lincoln
since his favorite things lately are Woody and
At first Lincoln didn't want anything to do with
this hat and then one day he put it on and hasn't
let it out of his sight since then. Every where we go
we have to take the hat. Here he is riding Bullseye
wearing his Woody hat.
Emmett turned 2 months old this month and
he is growing like a weed. He now weighs
12 pounds 5 oz (59th perc.) He is 23.6 inches
in length (69th perc.).
We sure love our little Emmett. He is a great baby.
He is smiling all the time now and talks to us
a lot. He tells great stories. We are so glad
he is part of our family.
Lincoln wearing his new Bug Jammies. He is
so snuggle and warm in these.
Lincoln loves to ride on the Motorcycle with Papa.
He also loves to ride on the wheelers.
We took Lincoln to his first movie at the Theater.
We went to see Toy Story 3. I don't think Lincoln
moved the entire movie. He loved it! We had
a lot of fun. We love seeing Lincoln having fun.
I am doing a little preschool play group with
some ladies in my Ward. This was Lincoln
on his first day! I think it will be great for
him to get use to playing with other kids.
Lincoln sure loves his little brother. Aren't they
so cute!
I also started Lincoln in Swim lessons. We had
a great time at our first session. Doesn't he look
The guys in our family went to the Sand dunes
this weekend so we had some girl time (with
two little boys). We went to Heritage Festival in
Pleasant Grove.
We got to see the fire station and check out
the fire engines.
Two boys in the tub. Lincoln has decided that
it is fun to take baths with Emmett so we bath them
at the same time. Don't we have the cutest kids.
We sure love them.