Tuesday, May 5, 2009

1st Birthday!

Our little boy had his First Birthday on Sunday!
I can't belive he is one already. We had a great
party with all our family. We had a little
Seasame Street Themed Birthday.
I made Lincoln this Cookie Monster Cake.
I think it turned out pretty good.
Here is Grandma Michelle and Matt getting
the balloons ready.
Here is some of the Decorations and presents.
Lincoln woke up from a nap just as the
party was starting. He was having a hard
time waking up.
Albertson's gives a free
cake for 1st birthday's I think
it turned out cute.
The tables. Grandpa Fryer set them up in
an L for Lincoln.
Party Hats!
Here are all our guests. We are so glad they all came
Liz and Andy came from Oregon to see Lincoln
on his birthday. Matt and Kelsey came and Al,
Tyler and Megan. Our little family and Grandma Michelle and
Grandpa Ron. We sure love everyone and
are sure glad they were all able to come.We
had homemade Cafe Rio Salads for dinner.
Lincoln made a haul. He loved everyone
of his new presents (maybe the clothes a little less
than everything though). He got that chair
and loves sitting and standing on it.
For being only one he actually did really good
opening things on his own.
Lincoln with all of his things. He got that cute
wagon from Grandma and Grandpa Fryer and
he loves to push it around.
So Cute!
My family did swimming things, he got the cute
chair and pool, he got clothes a toy and a swim suite.
We can't wait for it to get a little warmer so we can go
outside to try everything out. He also got the slide
from mommy and daddy.
It took mommy to show Lincoln what to do with the cake
but after he first stuck his hands in it he loved it.
He just kept scraping the frosting off, he didn't
even really eat the cake.
He made a huge mess but at least he had fun.
He loved it!
Lincoln with the cake mommy made.
After cake he definately needed a bath.

We had a great time and are so grateful to everyone

for everything they did and for being so great to

Lincoln. We love you all!



Lincoln is already one?! My goodness time does fly! It looks like he had a great first birthday, what a handsome little man! I love the picture of him loungin' in his chair!

The Hansen's

Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln!
He is so cute! And boy oh boy he did make a haul I bet the pool is gonna be the best once it gets warm enough. Way to go on the cake, that is the cutest!


How fun! and Happy first birthday. That is the cutest cake I have ever seen. Nicole if you made that you are amazing.


Happy Birthday Lincoln.I kept looking at him and think how old he looks. Then I realized mine isn't much younger!!! It really is crazy how old they are now. Little link looks like a kid now. We'll have to get together soon


Happy Birthday Lincoln. I can't believe he is already one. Crazy.

Scott and Elly

Happy Birthday Lincoln! I love the cookie monster cake:) Looks like Lincoln did too!


I cannot believe that he is one already. It was just yesterday that I was asking you to tell me the scary part of delivery so I could decide if I'd have a baby :). He is adorable. And, I LOVE the cake. Way to go!