a little unsure of what to do about this lovely
binky. Link became very dependent on this
while we were in DC and it got two holes in it.
I knew that we were leaving in a few days for
Guatemala and that he would be staying with
my mom. I thought I could either try and get
him to give it up or get a new one for him to
take to my moms.
it back to him to see what happened. He sucked it
for a few minutes and then gave it to me and said
it was broken. I had him throw it in the garbage.
After that he asked about it for a couple days and
I had him tell me what happened to it but he
never really cried or asked for a new one. So
I am happy to say we are Binky Free. It is so weird
to think my little baby doesn't use a binky anymore.
He looks so much older without it in his mouth all the time.
the same day as Lincoln's 2nd Birthday. We
knew that we weren't going to have a party until
a few days later so we had a little party for just the
three of us. We took Lincoln to the Dinosaur Museum
(one of his favorite places to go) and then came home and
had Green Cupcakes.
has talked about going on the boat ride there. Which
is It's a small world. He makes us sing the song over
and over again. One day we showed him a clip of the ride
from You tube, now this is a daily occurrence. This is
a picture of him sitting in a box watching It's a small world.
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